
Tuesday, 21 April 2020

A Haunted House In the Woods

A Haunted House In The Wood
How It All Started

In 1932,a family who once lived  in the USA,and the wife Valak
and the husband Omen were having an argument and then Valak
wasn’t having it so she went outside and did a prayer ‘’ If anyone
tries to take my land I will Curse them!’’,after she said the prayer
then she killed herself.

The Beginning
In 1978,46 years after valak death a family moved in to the
house(the same house valak died in)and the family brought
the land ,and Valak the demon wasn’t having it and the mum’s
leg was shivering and you could see a big Bruise on her leg.When
the Husband was doing the washing you could see a Figure in a
room where the mum was sleeping and then it disappeared and the
demon was going inside of the mum when she was sleeping.

A Demon

In the same day a wife and husband and wife which were ghost
hunters going to discover the house,and then went to house,after
they went to discover they found out that when people went to
the house before them they died in different places,and then the
wife said it is because they tried to take the land.

To Be Continued

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